How to make real estate data management smarter?
In the field of real estate construction and renovation, the volume of technical data is ever-growing. How to proceed in a situation where the current maintenance book solution no longer supports the activity?
Modern buildings contain a host of different technological systems and real estate owners often find themselves in a situation where the conventional maintenance book solution is no longer sufficient. This is especially the case if the goal is to control real estate energy consumption and maintenance costs, as well as to ensure safe and environmentally friendly functioning of the property.
As with any innovation and operations development, the need driving the change should first be identified. For example, is it some of the following situations?
- An investment project is being planned for the real estate and you are looking for a solution for project management and the related technical data management.
- The real estate’s HVAC documentation is deficient and you are looking for a new solution for this.
- Maintaining the real estate’s HVAC documentation is troublesome and time-consuming.
- You want to make sure the real estate’s documentation complies with essential safety requirements.
- No technical documentation (HVAC) is available for the real estate maintenance personnel performing maintenance and repair works.
- You want to make sure the real estate’s technical documentation supports lifecycle management.
- You want the real estate’s maintenance book and technical documentation solutions to be in the same system.
- The documentation of real estate care and maintenance programs is at the disposal of the maintenance personnel in real time.
ALMA brings smarter data management to real estate
Vitec ALMA is better known for system solutions for industrial production facilities, with construction and real estate data management as one of the component areas. Nevertheless, ALMA is also quite suitable for real estate data management as such.
Extensive experience in the management of various technical systems in industrial environments, as well as in maintenance, design and engineering, provides our company with the possibility to implement brand new and innovative solutions in the field of real estate. We offer a comprehensive and scalable solution for real estate asset management. It includes integrated real estate data, technical equipment and systems management, documentation management, maintenance book, and project bank.
ALMA can also be utilised in connection with existing maintenance book solutions. For example, ALMA’s technical data management can be associated with existing maintenance books and real estate automation. This gives the personnel responsible for real estate maintenance the possibility to use technical documentation in connection with troubleshooting and maintenance visits.
Jukka Manninen
The author works as Business Manager at Vitec ALMA Oy