A company specializing in consulting, design, and project management effectively utilizes FieldALMA in its design services

The company is a provider of industrial project services and has been using FieldALMA in its design operations for years. They have carried out various projects on all continents.

The company's electrical automation design department has been led by the same department head for over a decade. His team works efficiently from various locations. The company's clients are typically process industry companies, such as those in the forest, energy, chemical, mining, and metal industries.

-I first encountered ALMA decades ago at a client's site. For a while, we also had our own database solution, but we found maintaining it too laborious. With ALMA, we don't have to worry about different updates and integrations with other systems, as the ALMA team takes care of them and keeps the system up to date, says the department head.

Clear models work with large data masses

According to the department head, the best thing about ALMA is the clear models that can be applied in various places. The operating methods are consistent for all users, regardless of their role. When everyone follows the same rules and models, the number of errors in the data also decreases.

-In large data masses, the advantages of ALMA are most evident. Large amounts of data can be managed efficiently according to consistent models and solutions. Quality improves, but at the same time, the system also adapts to our company's own needs, lists the department head.

High-quality design ensures a high-quality end result for customers

For the company's clients, the quality of design is important. Processes must operate efficiently and reliably. A key part of this reliability is a database-based information system. It supports high-quality design and thus also a high-quality end result.

-Our typical design projects are complete deliveries of factory plants and various revision projects. In these, it is important that all devices, pipes, valves, and switches are included. With ALMA, we connect the information of different designers and design fields. Flow diagrams are found in the system, and various objects are linked to each other. Information is entered into the system once and is then available to all system users, describes the department head.

For an individual valve, for example, the system contains information about the valve type and all its external and internal dimensions. When a new valve is added to the system, the piping designer can quickly see what kind of valve is needed. The system can directly offer the correct device.

-When there are hundreds or thousands of devices and objects in a production facility, this information is really critical for operational reliability and design, emphasizes the department head.

Good and visual user interface

According to the department head, functional design cannot be done without a reliable database solution. A long-time ALMA user praises the development of the user interface along with other features of the system. There is more and more visuality, which is a good thing.

-We regularly explore what kind of system solutions are available on the market. We have remained ALMA users because it is familiar and proven to work well. If there had been problems, we would have certainly switched to another solution. Now there has been no need, says the department head.

-I can also recommend ALMA to others involved in design operations. We have built and customized ALMA to suit us perfectly, and it evolves with our operations.